Local server Denwer.


After you have launched installation file Denwer3_Base_2008.exe, a dialogue window with a question will appear:

Confirm installation of Denwer (local server)

By pressing “yes”, in response you will get the following window:

Close brower to continue the installation of Denwer (local server)

Now we go to the browser where a page with the message will open saying that installation of Denwer is started. In order to continue the installation, it is necessary to close this window of the browser.

Installation of Denwer (local server)

Upon closing the browser, it is necessary to indicate in which folder we are going to install our local server. On default this is C:\WebServers. If you wish you may indicate another place as well.

Indicate the installation directory

Then it is necessary to indicate on which virtual disk our path will be C\:WebServers. For instance it is possible to indicate disk X.

Installation of virtual disk

Then it is necessary to indicate the option of load of virtual disk. Let’s choose the first option. After this, indicate that it is necessary to create shortcuts on the desktop, by printing Roman letter “y”.

Installation of virtual disk

Go to the desktop and start Denwer by pressing shortcut “Start Denwer”.

Installation of Denwer has been successfully completed

After starting Denwer, check its operability by pressing point 2 (it is underlined with the red) in the browser’s window. Browser’s window will open and we’ll see a message: “It works!”. We need to go down and find a table with references for Denwer testing :

Installation of Denwer has been successfully completed

We are interested in the reference underlined with the red. Using this reference, we’ll get information about PHP. In particular we need to know where php.ini file is located. In future this information will help us. By pressing the reference we’ll get a table where we are most interested in the following line:

Location of php.ini file