PHP Examples of the regular expressions


  1. How to get a substring inside the brackets from the string?
  2. How to substitute a substring inside the brackets in a string taking the ending standing right after the closing bracket?
  3. How to get a value of variable from url using regular expression PHP?
  4. How to cut out text inside a tag?
  5. Exploding, cutting an src attribute of the img tag from the text
  6. Exploding, cutting an img tag from the text together with the attributes

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How to combine PHP and Java Script

Suppose you need to transfer the value of PHP variables to the JavaScript function. Let’s assign values to two variables in the following way: Read more

Head of the Forum PhpBB

Dear readers of our blog! Today we will consider the theme, that is interesting to many, namely how to change the subheading and headline of your phpBB forum. Hope you will like the article and in future you won’t need to delete unwanted messages from the users of your forum. Let’s start.

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php programming

Let’s use the array “goods” of the following form:


$goods[65] = array("price" => 200, "manufacture" => "Zelina");
$goods[45] = array("price" => 400, "manufacture" => "Devyatkin");
$goods[78] = array("price" => 800, "manufacture" => "Agrarnik");
$goods[89] = array("price" => 790, "manufacture" => "Belyi Orel");


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Error at the transfer of values by means of the form with the POST method

Error at the transfer of values by means of the form with the POST method I needed to transfer the values by means of the form with the POST method. 
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