PHP for advanced users: namespaces in PHP

Dear readers of our blog! In the last article we wrote about two methods of inserting a context advertisement using the PHP language. Today we will consider PHP namespaces, using the simple examples of programming. The good news – the Namespaces are easy. To preview we’ll challenge ourselves to explain it quickly. Let’s go.

Create class in PHP.

class Foo
  public function doAwesomeFooThings ()
  // you should write your code here

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How to remove all spam from the PhpBB forum

Dear readers of our blog! Many people today install and actively use the popular phpBB forum. A very important thing for them to know is how to work properly with this phpBB forum. For example they are interested how to change the head of the phpBB forum.

Today we will consider the removing of all unwanted messages from your phpBB forum by means administration control panel. Let us see what steps we should undertake in order to do it properly.


The administration phpBB dashboard

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GetExternalIP - workflow of getting external IP address

Dear readers of blog. Today I would like to represent a program that helps me to get IP address of my router KEENETIC, in russian without using pay or any other services. A code of the program is based on what described in the post How to get external IP address using Delphi software. Another post of this series describes, how to get computer IP address in a local network using Delphi.

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Synapse library in Delphi

Dear readers! On this website there was a post how to get values of all elements of Edit of the dialogue form using Delphi. Two posts described how to get IP address using Delphi here and here. Let’s start by downloading Synapse library from here:

Unpack the library into a temporary catalogue. Create catalogue D:\Delphi\Synapse\. It would be better if catalogues names contain Latin letters and no spaces. Copy the catalogue content source\lib from the unpacked archive into catalogue D:\Delphi\Synapse\. Now install Synapse library.

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External IP address in WAN

Dear readers of blog. Today I’ll give a Delphi example that can help you to get external IP address
in the Internet. One post from this series has already explained how to get computer IP address in a local network using Delphi. Here is a Delphi example that can help you to get external IP address even if you work in a local network and your computer is behind proxy server, gateway or router. This functional is realized using a little program GetExternalIP.
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