GetExternalIP - workflow of getting external IP address

Dear readers of blog. Today I would like to represent a program that helps me to get IP address of my router KEENETIC, in russian without using pay or any other services. A code of the program is based on what described in the post How to get external IP address using Delphi software. Another post of this series describes, how to get computer IP address in a local network using Delphi.

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HTML editor NicEdit - Inline Content Editor

Dear Visitors of Our Blog! Today I’d like to tell you what HTML rich text editor NicEdit is. Today I’d like to tell you what HTML rich text editor NicEdit is. NicEdit allow you to easily edit pages on your website (for example in firefox). Need help implementing NicEdit into your website? In the article How to install HTML Editor NicEdit? we explain in details how to do it. NicEdit quickly is integrated through JavaScript into any website. You can convert textarea tag to rich text editing.
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Functions WinAPI in Delphi to get values of Edit

Dear visitors! This article will help understand how to read all values of Edit dialogue elements from the window of another application using Delphi and WinAPI functions. We will use WinAPI functions to get the Edit class dialogue elements. For instance, we need to get Edit values from the form with the title “MyProgram”, so we will use the WinAPI function FindWindow.
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Inserting an ad in the body of the article using PHP

Dear visitors of the blog Today I would like to discuss how to insert a code of context advertisement in
the body of articles
using the PHP language (ru).

Some rules of placing advertisement in the body of articles

  1. It is no good when there are too many ads in the body of the article and it complicates the reading.
  2. Also it is not convenient when the advertisement code goes right under the title of the article and it’s hard to understand where the title and the advertisement code are. After the article’s title an ad should be inserted at least between two first paragraphs.
  3. You don’t want to insert the ad in the center of the paragraph thus breaking it into two parts. It’s better to insert a context ad between the paragraphs.
  4. It would be good if ad blocks are separated by one thousand or more characters.


Inserting an ad between paragraphs of the article

In order to insert a block of context ad , it is necessary to determine places for advertisement block in the body of article using the rules described above. In harmony with these rules, this is a space between the paragraphs. How to get the needed values which will indicate such places between the paragraphs?

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php programming

At the writing of:


An error message appeared:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]:
Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at X:/home/localhost/www/phpbloguser/header.html:6) in X:/home/localhost/www/phpbloguser/blocks/ line 110

In php.ini it is necessary to write directive output_buffering “On” (on default – Off), see php.ini. And it will be all right! To make it works it is necessary to restart your server.

This error may appear for other reasons as well:

It is necessary to check if there is a space, tab, hyphen before “<?”.

In addition, it is necessary to start a session before any text appear in the browser’s window. Because in this case session identifier is written down in cookie files. Cookies in their turn are always installed through headers sending. The error message says that headers have ALREADY been sent.

Therefore it is necessary to check if any text appears in the browser’s window before you start a session by means of session_start()?

Your php file must be saved in UTF 8 coding (without BOM). If it is with BOM, three symbols will be  typed at the beginning of the file and this results in this error.